Run-Up – vegaaninen, herkkävatsaiselle, allergiselle
45,95€ – 113,95€
Jakke Run-up is a completely vegan product that maintains the natural mobility of joints and tendons for dogs and cats. The product is an excellent choice for pets with allergies and sensitive stomachs who need joint nutrients. Jakke Run-up is especially suitable for dogs prone to heartburn.
Not recommended for pregnant dogs.
1 measure (1 ml ~ 0.7 g) contains:
Glucosamine, vegan 360 mg
Rosehip 129 mg
Boswellia serrata 116 mg
Yucca 56 mg
Sea buckthorn 35 mg
Hyaluronic acid 4 mg
Jakke Run-up does not contain any fillers!
dosage daily, mixed with food, by weight of dog (measuring 1 ml ~ 0.7 g):
Less than 5 kg 1 measure 5 - 15 kg 2 measures
15 - 30 kg 3 dimensions 30 - 45 kg 4 dimensions
45 - 60 kg 5 dimensions More than 60 kg 6 dimensions
- Jos koirasi painaa esim. 5 – 15 kg – 150 gramman purkki kestää yli 3,5 kuukautta tai
- jos koirasi painaa esim. 15 – 30 kg – 300 gramman purkki kestää melkein 5 kk tai
- jos koirasi painaa esim. 30 – 45 kg – 500 gramman purkki kestää melkein puoli vuotta!
No doping time!
Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring substance in the joints, which decreases with age and is therefore used to prevent and treat joint degeneration. Glucosamine increases cartilage health, protects osteoarthritis from degeneration, and prevents cartilage-destroying enzymes. Glucosamine maintains optimum joint function, slows down the development of osteoarthritis and also suppresses inflammation. The use of glucosamine increases the glucosamine concentration in the joints. About 90% of oral glucosamine is absorbed.
The cartilage tissue and the cortical fluid contain a large amount of hyaluronic acid which sucks the water itself, thus resulting in elasticity and is important for the antihistamines and elasticity characteristics of the articular fluid. Hyaluronic acid acts as a normal joint for lubricating and shock absorbing substances and suppresses the pain while softening the joints on the joints. Hyaluronic acid is the normal constituent of joint fluid, the amount of which decreases in inflammation. Hyaluronic acid lubricates the joint, maintains normal fluid balance, restores it to normal and improves joint movement. Hyaluronic acid is also an important constituent of cartilage tissue.
Ruusunmarja on tehokas nivelten toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja hyvinvointiin, hyvä vatsalle, iholle ja karvalle, todellinen terveyspommi: paljon C- ja E- vitamiinia ja kuitua. Ruusunmarjaa käytetään nivelten toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja hyvinvointiin. Erityisesti kovassa rasituksessa oleville ja vanhoille koirille ruusunmarja on oivallinen lisä ruokintaan. Vaikuttava aine on ruusunmarjan galaktolipidi. Ruusunmarja sisältää C-vitamiinia huomattavan runsaasti. C-vitamiini parantaa kollageenituotantoa. Ruusunmarja sisältää, mm. bioflavonoideja, antioksidantteja, aminohappoja, glukoosia, betakaroteenia, kuparia, kaliumia, kalsiumia, magnesiumia, sinkkiä, rautaa, seleeniä, omega-3 happoja, fluoridia, vitamiineja A, K, D, B6 ym. Ruusunmarja sisältää myös pektiiniä, joka on liukeneva kuitu ja edesauttaa suoliston toimintaa voitelemalla sitä. Lisäksi ruusunmarjan sorbitoli estää vatsan liikahappoisuutta ja lisää syljeneritystä.
Boswellia serrata is a resin from the tree of the same name that has been used for millennia. It contains Boswellic acids, which have several health effects. It does good for joints and possible well-being, for example.
Yucca has plenty of saponines to help nourish the joints, in addition, yucca helps maintain the intestinal optimum pH and increases the energy level by releasing glucose in the liver, helping to maintain the endurance needed in stress.
The oil content of sea buckthorn varies between 4-7%. No other berry has such a high oil content. Sea buckthorn seeds contain equally valuable oils that can be separated from the seed in several different ways. Sea buckthorn oil is perhaps the most valuable ingredient in sea buckthorn, which contains e.g. oleic, stearic, linoleic, palmetolinic and oleic acids. Vitamin E and cartenoid-containing palmetolin and linoleic oils are very favorable for fat metabolism. More than 30% of palmetolinic acid is important for skin health in berry meat. More than 90% of the fatty acids contained in sea buckthorn are so-called. unused Omega 3 fatty acids, which must be obtained daily. In addition, the study also includes Omega 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids. Sea buckthorn seeds and fruit flesh are available in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have beneficial health effects. Sea buckthorn fats promote the absorption of Boswellia serrata.
Sea buckthorn is extremely rich in vitamins; mm. Vitamins C, E and B, as well as beta-carotene in very high concentrations.
Kaikki käytetyt raaka-aineet ovat turvallisesti elintarvikelaatuisia.