

Welcome to the world of superpowers! Jakke Agility is like a superhero for joints and tendons, packed with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, collagen (type I and II), turmeric, yucca, MSM and rosehip – without any unnecessary fillers! This super popular and proven effective blend is like a secret weapon to fight your pet's osteoarthritis, arthritis or other joint problems. Not only for old, hardy dogs, but also for younger, wilder adventurers!

• Glucosamine HCL 524 000 mg kg
• Chondroitin sulphate from over 90% 205 000 mg/kg
• Rosehip 75 000 mg/ kg
• MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) 75 000 mg/kg
• Turmeric 50 000 mg/kg
• Yucca 50 000 mg/kg
• Collagen: Type I and Type II 16 000 mg/kg
• HA, hyaluronic acid, or Healo over 90% 5 000 mg/kg

The glucosamine in this product comes from shellfish. Jakke Run-up is COMPLETELY VEGAN and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients and is excellent for allergies (e.g. fish, shellfish, beef, etc.).

Not recommended for pregnant dogs.

No doping time!

Instructions for use: Daily dosing, mixed with food, according to the dog's weight (measuring 1 ml ~ 0.7 g):
Less than 5 kg 1 dimension
5 to 15 kg 2 measurements
15 to 30 kg 3 measure
30 to 45 kg 4 measure
45 to 60 kg 5 Dimensions
more than 60 kg 6 Dimensions

1 measure (1 ml ~ 0.7 g) contains:
Glucosamine 367 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 144 mg
Rosehip 52 mg
MSM 52 mg
Turmeric 35 mg
Yucca 35 mg
Collagen I and II 11 mg
Hyaluronic acid 4 mg

  • Jos koirasi painaa esim. 5 – 15 kg – 150 gramman purkki kestää yli 3,5 kuukautta tai
  • jos koirasi painaa esim. 15 – 30 kg – 300 gramman purkki kestää melkein 5 kk tai
  • jos koirasi painaa esim. 30 – 45 kg – 500 gramman purkki kestää melkein puoli vuotta!

No doping time!

Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring substance in the joints, which decreases with age and is therefore used to prevent and treat joint degeneration. Glucosamine increases cartilage health, protects osteoarthritis from degeneration, and prevents cartilage-destroying enzymes. Glucosamine maintains optimum joint function, slows down the development of osteoarthritis and also suppresses inflammation. The use of glucosamine increases the glucosamine concentration in the joints. About 90% of oral glucosamine is absorbed.

Chondroitin sulfate is a naturally occurring substance in joints; One of the main building blocks of cartilage that binds water to cartilage tissue. The joint fluid contains plenty of gel-like hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate to fill the empty spaces of the joints. Chondroitin sulphate acts as a joint-acting shock absorber and lubricant. Chondroitin sulfate relieves osteoarthritis, improves the circulation of the diseased joints, reduces joint veins and slows the progression of osteoarthritis. For chondroitin sulfate, Jakke is a bovine-based product.

Ruusunmarja on  nivelten toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja hyvinvointiin, hyvä vatsalle, iholle ja karvalle, todellinen terveyspommi: paljon C- ja E- vitamiinia ja kuitua. Ruusunmarjaa käytetään tehokkaasti nivelten toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja hyvinvointiin. Erityisesti kovassa rasituksessa oleville ja vanhoille koirille ruusunmarja on oivallinen lisä ruokintaan. Vaikuttava aine on ruusunmarjan galaktolipidi. Ruusunmarja sisältää C-vitamiinia huomattavan runsaasti. C-vitamiini parantaa kollageenituotantoa. Ruusunmarja sisältää, mm. bioflavonoideja, antioksidantteja, aminohappoja, glukoosia, betakaroteenia, kuparia, kaliumia, kalsiumia, magnesiumia, sinkkiä, rautaa, seleeniä, omega-3 happoja, fluoridia, vitamiineja A, K, D, B6 ym. Ruusunmarja sisältää myös pektiiniä, joka on liukeneva kuitu ja edesauttaa suoliston toimintaa voitelemalla sitä. Lisäksi ruusunmarjan sorbitoli estää vatsan liikahappoisuutta ja lisää syljeneritystä.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane, or organic sulfur) is a naturally occurring sulfur compound for the maintenance and well-being of the natural function of the muscles and joints. Sulfur is an essential part of producing good and healthy cells. It is present in small quantities in the body. MSM makes cell walls more permeable, allowing water and nutrients to flow freely into cells, and slags and poisons back out of the cells. Bodybuilding substances, amino acids are sulfur binders and are an important part of body function regulating hormones and enzymes.

MSM maintains the mobility of the joints and relieves arthritis and supports many structures (their flexibility) and functions in the body, Connective tissue, heart, vasculature, and body energy production, effectively alleviates inflammation, also helps with allergies, asthma and indigestion, relieves muscle and accelerates muscle injury, promotes skin and coat health.

In some dogs, MSM may cause heartburn; if this is the case, you should choose Jakke Move+ or Jakke Action, which do not contain MSM, as joint care products.

Collagen needs to be broken into amino acids to allow migration to the sites of action. The collagens are treated as "pre-digested" as amino acid chains to provide an easily digestible and absorbent product, a collagen hydrolyzate. Collagen activates the body's own collagen production when used internally. Collagen gives high mechanical strength to tissues thanks to their high tensile strength. Collagen type I, forming long fibers in the cell medium, is the most common protein collagen in the body; It is especially in bone, but also in tendons, ligaments and skin dermis. The cartilage, in turn, largely consists of type II collagen fibers.

Kurkuman juurakossa on kurkuminoideja, jotka antavat juurakolle väriä ja joiden vaikutus on tulehdusta hillitsevä. Siinä on myös runsaasti eteeristä öljyä. Tutkijat ovat osoittaneet, että kurkuminoidit voivat hillitä tehokkaasti tulehdusta, mikä puolustaa kurkuman käyttöä kansanlääkinnässä reumatismin, niveltulehduksen, ekseeman (ihottuman) ja muiden tulehdussairauksien hoitoon. Kurkuman kurkumiinia on käytetty mm. nivelsairauksien hoidossa. Kurkumaa kutsutaankin ”luonnonkortisoniksi”.

Yucca has plenty of saponines to help nourish the joints, in addition, yucca helps maintain the intestinal optimum pH and increases the energy level by releasing glucose in the liver, helping to maintain the endurance needed in stress.


Jakke Agility does not contain any of these fillers:

fish oil
glucose = glucose
fructose = fruit sugar
lactose = milk sugar
dextrose = D-glucose (glucose)
inulin = storage polysaccharide from fruit sugar
maltodextrin = starch
corn starch
palatinose = carbohydrate
grass meal
wheat bran
rice bran
rice flour